Pig farming: Organic Coffee Farm

When you think of farms you think of pigs, cows, horses, and cowboys not organic coffee farms. Organic coffee is grown on farms believe it or not. Most organic farms are privately owned by families who live where they work. Real, natural coffee beans should come from a farm that practices in organic procedures with no unnatural pesticides or chemicals.I have to say I find it a relief that organic farms are around and producing a high quality coffee. Not all coffee has to come from the big names in the coffee business and the "little guys" can make some money and support their families with the coffee they help produce and ship. If more people support, meaning buy this kind of coffee it can only be good for the environment in the long run. It would be important to flood the market with organic coffee to the point where there are so many companies they started cutting corners to make a larger profit.I have tasted pure, natural coffee and it does taste much more pure and you can practically taste the ground it came from. Organic anything seems to cost more then other non-organic products so depending on your love for coffee spending that extra $10 for a bag of this type of coffee might be too expensive. If you a coffee drinker like me I don't mind spending that extra because I enjoy the taste and don't mind helping those who produce the organic coffee out. So yes, there are organic coffee farms and they don't smell nearly as bad as the other farms we grew up knowing. [EXTRACT] When you think of pig farms to think, cows, horses, cowboys, and organic coffee farms. Organic coffee is grown on farms believe it or not. Most organic farms are privately owned by families who live where they work. Real beans, natural brown, must come from a farm that practices organic procedures, without artificial pesticides or chemicals.I must say I find it a relief that organic farms are around and produce a high quality coffee. Not all coffee has to come from the big names in the coffee business and the "little guys" can make some money and keep their families in coffee producing and shipping help. If more people support, that is, buy this type of coffee that can only be good for the environment in the long run. It would be important to flood the market with organic coffee, to the point where many companies began to cut corners to get a greater benefit. I tried the pure coffee, natural and tastes much more pure and you can practically taste the wine land. Everything organic seems to cost more than other non-organic products so depending on your love of coffee extra spending $ 10 for a bag of this type of coffee may be too expensive. If you are a coffee drinker like me, I do not mind spending the extra because I like the taste and do not mind helping those who produce organic coffee place. So yes, there is organic coffee farms and do not smell as bad as the other farms that grew up knowing.