Learn About Pig Farming

Many people oppose the consumption of pork and other meats from pork for health reasons or religious reasons. When people eat a vegetarian diet to start, red meat is usually the first thing they eliminate from their diets. If they do, to improve various indicators of health care in general at home, such as cholesterol and your blood pressure readings. Health is one of the most compelling reasons to eat vegetarian for the inhumane treatment of animals for human consumption, mass production is another reason many people reject a carnivorous diet. Pig follows the same processes that breeding chickens and other animal husbandry staff. The pigs are kept in small crates with limited movement. YOU \ 're over-fed, so they can be more quickly slaughtered. Their living conditions and are dirty they can \ 're fed growth hormones to stimulate weight gain and antibiotics to ward off diseases, the results that their living conditions. YOU \ 're forced to live in unnatural conditions, and they show signs of chronic stress produces other animals that chew for human consumption Thurs Theys on the bars of their cages with water bottles or worry about her. To prevent their limited range of motion search behavior, the \ 's natural for a pig. The pigs extreme year to pay high price for us to eat. And we pay a high price for the consumption of pork and other red meat. We \ 're basically not made to eat meat. Our teeth weren \ 't rip and tear flesh develops. We Evolved from herbivores and it \ 's still the best way for us to eat. If we eliminate red meat and animal meat and other products from our diet, we get healthier - more lean and fit, less tired and sluggish. And there \ 's to know the added psychological advantage that we \' re not contribute to the suffering of innocent animals.