The "Pig in the pen-principle" ever heard of it? I doubt it as my own creation, the name is in any case. The principle is as old as time itself. It has to do with perspective. Perspective is a really strange thing, and how we see things deterministic mines. Two people with different perspectives view of the Sami data are recorded the data and reach different conclusions different.
So why in the pig sty? Now, in another life I was a big Commercial Farmers in Africa. We had a lot of income streams target was a 6000 graduate work pigery year the breeding of pigs for market. Now apologize to the organic free-range phobias among us, but the bottom line is, you do not increase pork for 6000 Giving each its own acres of land to your heart's desire to play in. Have the pigs comfortable to very large concrete boxes with adequate light, ventilation and Heat control housed in direct sunlight, clean, fresh water and fresh sheets, concrete pens never less objective approach.
A pig nose is an incredibly destructive weapon, like an organic jackhammer. YOU will be constantly on every weakness Every structure with a small hole to be working until their gaping chasm a snout. These pens have a very solid door was built of heavy timber. In short, the pigs could not see the outside world. Come see the relevance.
After many hours observing behavior of pigs indicated that I was born piglets in pens very very happy. Theys suckled on their mothers, and played with each other completely oblivious of the outside world. They were not unhappy, just because it nothing to be unhappy with HAD. Since the inside of the pen was the only life they knew they could not compare with anything else their plight.
But occasionally the inevitable happened, someone would open a door to escape by mistake and the piglets would. Would they want to suddenly face to face with the outside world they face covered with green grass pass the early morning by hunting butterflies and meet other livestock. This was heaven. Theys never knew there was such a place. Once captured and returned to the safety of their pens, they were no longer the happy little piglets hours before it frustrates year target piglets were very unhappy indeed. Did not play anymore. Theys was pawing at the door, they try out.
So what changed? Simple, they had gained another perspective. They had now a benchmark to measure themselves against what station in life. We see it in everyday life. In economics, for example, salaries are confidential. Why, you might ask? Well, because the pig in the stable principle. Joe is a loyal employee, the work for you for years at £ 20,000 per year. He is satisfied with job history and lives quite comfortably on his income. But one day discovered ET, that his colleague Fred does a similar job gets £ 25,000 € per year. Suddenly, Joe is very unhappy. Why? Then he knew he would be better off what was a comfortable happy life is to no longer have.
There is even a parable in the Bible about this. The story goes that a wealthy landowner who has extensive vineyards ripe for harvest the grapes and the town is going to say half a dozen men employees in the vineyard, to dusk piece of work for the 10th Later that day he realized he needed more, if the lab task is to get as ET only progress before lunch goes back to the city employees and a second transition, that is for 10 pieces. The process is repeated in mid-afternoon. The workers gather at sunset to pay, and the owner of Duly countries of 10. At this sight the first volume to be deeply shaken. "We have worked since dawn to dusk, through the heat of the day for 10 bushel," she cried, "do not have to work a few hours working in the cool of the afternoon for the same pay. How can that be?" "But," says the owner, what is your problem? I'm not after any one of you, we are rewarded the contract? Why you should tell me how to spend my money? "
I think you get the picture.
Watch out for the Pig Pen in the principle. Is it easy to deep trenches.