Manure from hog operations Provide for an effective and economical source of nutrients for crops and pastures. However, manure handling a challenge on pig operations. Depending on the situation, manure can be treated on the farm either as a solid liquid gold. Most small operations handle manure as solids, varying the fertilizer Provided during the year on Conventional manure handling equipment such as shovels, cultivation-steer loaders, compact loaders, manure and spreaders.Manure consistency after the age of the animals, the type of feed, and the type of beds used in the operation. Containment operations are concentrated liquid manure, dung, while prone on the lower pasture operations concentrated. Many larger companies take over the pig manure in liquid form suitable for different types of devices and structures for the collection and distribution of manure nutrients is fields.Pig calls a valuable byproduct that can extend for crop production. Here are some useful facts about production rates and nutrient content of pig slurry: - A 150-pound hog produces £ 9.5 out of solid waste per day or 1.7 tons of manure per year .- A 150-pound pig produces 1.2 gallons of liquid waste per day or 440 gallons per year .- Solid nitrogen contains 7 pounds of manure, 6 pounds of phosphorus, potassium, and 7 pounds of fertilizer per ton .- Liquid nitrogen, 17 pounds, 10 pounds phosphorus and 16 pounds of potassium per 1000 gallons Pig contains operation with 100 animals on hand all year round Produce 170 tons of solid manure per year or 44,000 gallons of manure. Would this provide manure nutrients for field corn and about 10 acres per year would require one years little commercial fertilizer purchased Additional Needs meet harvest.