Why Grass Cutter & snail farming in Nigeria SUSTAINABLE VENTURES
* Grass cutter farming requires less space to take off
* Grass Cutters and not compete with men for food snails Thurs.
* Grass Cutter is socially acceptable, it has no religious taboos.
* The demand for snails and grass cutters are more than their supply.
* The speed of propagation of worms and grass cutters are very high.
* Snail and grass cutter ofillness costs low.
* Returns in snail and grass cutter farming are very high.
* The Waste of Both snails and grass cutters are not offensive.
* Snails and grass shears Thurs worrying problems such as pigs do not exist.
* Do not use imported materials, the need in both snail and grass cutter farming Succeed.
* You will need less capital to start worm farming and grass cutter.
* The medical and nutritional value of the two worms and grass shear is high.
* They both sources of livelihood to many people.
* Shells and ornamental grass cutter teeth are used for practical purposes.
* Both snails and grass shears are sources of foreign exchange.
* Snail meat is good for the cure of whooping cough.
Snail meat * Serves as a remedy for iron deficiency in the body.
* Snail meat-were recommended for the treatment of ulcers and asthma.
* The liquid can cure high blood pressure produced by the worm.
* The pancreas of the mower, it is assumed that a high concentration of insulin, which is used in local treatment of diabetes have.
* The hair grass shears, after burning is a lotion used to treat wounds.
* The fur and skin of the mower may have explored and exploited conducted with rabbits.
* The visceral mass of snails collected, dried and milled and fed snails and other live stock.
* The shell of the snails are also used in the treatment of gonorrhea.
To learn more about the sustainability and breeding snails THE BEAUTY OF GRASS CUTTER & see: http://www.thethyconsulting.com
Ismail Abdulazeez,
Managing Consultant
The Thy Consulting.
Website: http://www.thethyconsulting.com
Tel: 01-7653994,08023050835,07033632285.