The Swine Flu – Are Pigs to Blame?
At the epicenter of the new swine flu outbreak in Perote, Mexico is, not surprisingly, a very large commercial pig farm. It is owned by American-based Smithfield Foods, the world's largest hog producer and pork packer. This location raises hogs 950 000 per year. Hogs have the unique ability to change into something that viral DNA can now recognize human cells. Thirty percent of the residents living nearby have this new swine flu. Wherein there is no question that large hog farms are in at ideal breeding ground for new viral strains. The issue is complicated by large farms is solid waste that is present and difficult to manage, polluting nearby water readily. The smell from such farms is beyond horrid. Residents living nearby were the first to be documented with this new swine flu, and they are certain that between their polluted ground water and when the winds shift their direction, the hog farm is the source of their flu problem. The company says, at this time, its hogs that DO NOT have the virus. Does anyone trust them? I remember when Jessie Ventura had to body slam Cargill in court to get them to stop polluting Minnesota lakes with feces from its commercial farming operations. In Mexico, you can assume are even more lax regulations. These commercial hog farms, just like about any commercial farming operation of any kind, are detriment to human health and Tend to produce low-quality food at risk for transmission of food poisoning. If this swine flu does pick up speed in the United States, everytime it reaches a commercial pig farm it wants to get a major boost of virulent activity. Thurs expect not any politicians from the states to speak up pig In fact, do expect not the CDC or Department of Homeland Security to care at all They are going to be too busy trying to cram down the throats of experimental vaccines everyone - and now that they have declared an emergency you should fully understand that you have no right of recourse of any kind if you should be injured from such a vaccine. If this does turn into a pandemic, Which is quiet too early to tell, we will be looking at several years the problem of anti-viral drugs, will have limited effectiveness for the first wave -. And after that the virus will mutate around them and they will be worthless (that will take 2-8 weeks). It will take six months to make an experimental vaccine. Expect in the meantime so many enforced quarantine that certain members of the public will be falling all over themselves to line up for the government's concoction -. I will not be one of them Our government has a horrid track record with experimental vaccines, Gulf War vets just ask our government officials should consider shutting down commercial pig farms if this new swine flu starts killing Americans -. the sooner the better ....