Alex Rodriguez \ 's entry into steroid use from 2001-2003 was dull yesterday, the latest example of deceit and lies, and. Young? Not too young to spend the big checks! Stupid, yes \, I 'll agree slightly. Greedy? Check. Selfish? Certainly. A hero? Not.They say he \ 'll be better because he was treated and honestly admitted steroid use. But it was not \ 't as much of an apology? When I read the breaking story only ET \ "\ cam clean" after the results were published in 2003 by a random drug test showed that positive tests HIM. Not exactly an open confession of my opinion, especially after his bold lie Katie Couric until 2007 ET confirms that never used performance-enhancing drugs. I mean, how about the Texas Rangers and their fans, and now the Yankee organization and its fans and those who hold the record books as sacred? Not sure if I vote history end date, start date or, for that matter .... believe Alex knows determined, only for sports journalists sure.Already Have To The plausibility jumped ET, which will be indulgence in the Hall of Fame! I \ 'd like to see a quarter of Alex \' s remaining contract period redirected Whitey Ford and Legitimate The Hall of Fame Who shone and played to pay for the love of the game to be basing their hunger salary pensions. Only when Alex and other major league cheat it in the wallet, we can imagine them doing that is really sorry. In the meantime, let me tell you, fraud doesn \ 't pay over the long term, and the costs along the way are far greater than you can ever imagine. Why doesn \ 't allowed anything obviously ET, while Alex \' s on it? Why doesn \ 't that ET ET be allowed to continue an albatross on the NY Yankees, absent historical events latest confession? Where are all the championship rings that will grace their fingers were gone, Sir Alex was signed ounces? Why, When The National Baseball League or National Football League or National Hockey League for that matter, were consistently riddled with drug-laced athletes like Meathead masquerading test don \ 't it every week, alternating days of the week the tests? I'd rather have a far part of my fare at inflated Increased frequency of drug testing pad of fraudsters as a \ 'paychecks and pensions funnel! I recognize that people can make mistakes. I \ 've certainly made a few. Nevertheless, I have a problem with people who deliberately set of measures into their own hands when they do '\ ve not ready, the hard (and often time consuming) to achieve the work! What kind of example are they setting? Where \ 's the default risk and reward? It was similar note, what \ 's Illinois \' Ex Governor Rod Blagojevich is so suddenly with the thinking that the story's young daughter the story the prosecution and sentencing, all of a rates? Somehow I think he got the order wrong! Children aren \ 't stupid, and The Lucky Ones have two eyes and two ears with which to observe and judge their own all adults, especially their parents, yes. I need to make a difference here, however, between Alex \ 's record and latent Rod \' s continued despite their respective terms Marked fraud. Does Alex have a semblance of hope for which I \ 'm very grateful. Don \ 't we all know the saying, fat pigs, and pigs are slaughtered? Do I have to re-differentiate back to my farm days and Produce images of pigs and pigs to people in the situation and understand? I mean, here \ 's, capitalism and all, say goodbye yet unabated greed and selfishness above-the-law!