What is home-made "TI" soup without a natural home-grown pigeon peas?
In the Turks and Caicos Islands, you want that many of our islands are found in the past few years, with Providenciales When most of them are developed, however, all developed, it does not omit, that A is the agriculture of our culture of Iceland. Not many people do we farm on a large scale as They serve to you-can be found in Iceland, each additional older people, the courts closed your goal. Not only because it is a source of food supply purpose aussi Because of the joy that she is from farming, you feel obligated to preserve our culture and it is so active, so the passage of time during the day. Talking about agriculture is a hot topic in the world of older people in Turks and Caicos Islands. In the past, taught mothers daughters and sons of her both her and the hope would be that the ability to farm to take care of themselves and their families make when crossed "hard times" your way during the same time their sound was taught to fish Other tasks and not male.
Since farm natural food is in our blood already Would you like to go your home residents in Iceland such as North and Central America Caicos from time to time just to harvest their mother or grandmother Field, who may include such plants, such as sapodilla, enjoy sweet potatoes, okra , sugar cane, cassava, beans, pigeon peas and of course the same.
For me it's about the pigeon pea-soup! With the dry pigeon peas always best because it gives the soup a distinctive flavor compared to the fresh green and dried peas, soup is the soup was thicker. Once the basic ingredients with pig tail, cassava, plantains (you are free to add other ingredients) and of course the typical Dumplings You Have IT combines bush pea soup. This is a dish that I have almost every day, after a long meeting at work. Of course there are other dishes that are specific to the natives of the islands, which are prepared from the harvest, you can find dishes on the menu at our thesis in any of the local restaurants in Iceland.
Other than the delicious meals, we can boast of Agriculture has led the residents learn about different natural remedies bushes to various illnesses / diseases. Today there are still men and women living in North and Middle Caicos, which are active in this practice.
In short, although I like to see still more to be done in this day in age with our farming practices we have welcomed a greater extent on the islands, I keep quiet about Those Who have this aspect of our culture alive.